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Combination of yarns - a brilliant example

Finding the perfect yarn for a project is great, but when you combine 2 wonderful yarns the results can be absolutely stunning! This is exactly what happened with Julia's (@svyazhi_sama on Instagram) cardigan - it's a perfect combo of fluffy Scheepjes Softy and warm and soft Scheepjes Stardust!

It takes 9 and more balls of Softy and 3 and more of Stardust, depending on the size to replicate such a beautiful and useful item! We love cardigans and would surely wear something like that!

Please, don't hesitate to share your opinion in comments, how do you like the idea?

Both wonderful yarns are available on our webstore. 

Scheepjes Softy collection:

Scheepjes Stardust collection:

Needles for any of your future projects are also available here:

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